Former Pro Wrestler Banned From Walmart for

Joe Cantrell, a former pro-wrestler living in Arizona, has been banned from Walmart for life, as he claims he was trying to price match some Christmas ornaments for his family. He admitted that he normally makes a two trips to the store, because he just loves the store, but a recent trip would be his last. An employee rejected his price match, so Cantrell spoke to management, and on his way out the employee decided to call the police, claiming he was being intimidated. Cantrell was confused, saying "I was upset, but never once did I say anything to the gentleman."Once police arrived, Joe was put in handcuffs and was given a notice informing him that he was banned from Walmart for life. He began crying, and deputies let him go, but he's still expected to appear in court on the intimidation charges. Walmart spokesperson Brooke Buchanan spoke about the incident, saying "This situation was about the safety of our associate and not our ad match policy. We make every effort to make sure our customers have a good experience in our stores. Unfortunately, in this situation, our associate felt threatened and local law enforcement was contacted.‬ We are continuing to cooperate with law enforcement on their investigation." Source: Gawker


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