Media Calls Jay Z a Bad Husband For Steamy Beyonce Grammy Act

It appears as though the NY Post is contributing to the "Bash Jay Z and Beyonce Campaign, as one of their writers, Naomi Schaeffer Riley, dragged Jay in a recent article shedding negative light on their Grammy performance.  UK media outlet Metro News, published their own article previously, only this one was bashing Beyonce as they called her a "whore" many times in their writeup.  This time around Ms. Riley took aim at Jay Z, calling him a "poor excuse for a husband," for being comfortable with Beyonce putting on such a sensual act for the opening performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards.

Her article stated:

"For years, these award ceremonies have pushed the envelope; Beyoncé's booty-shaking was certainly no worse than Miley Cyrus's twerking or any number of other performances by Madonna, for instance. But there's something particularly icky about doing it while your husband looks on approvingly.

"'Honestly, I didn't want to watch Jay Z and Beyoncé's foreplay,' says Charlotte Hays, author of 'When Did White Trash Become the New Normal?' Indeed, the happy couple seems to have completely blurred the line between what goes on in their bedroom and what happens on national TV. So much for the woman that Michelle Obama has called "a role model who kids everywhere can look up to.

"Hays says, 'It wasn't surprising to see Jay Z, looking pleased at his wife's hyper-sexualized exhibition on stage.' After all, 'he's made a living singing lyrics that call women 'b*tches' and 'hos,' so we shouldn't be surprised that he objectified his own wife on stage.'

Ms. Riley also believes Beyonce is a hypocrite for supporting gender equality, but then putting forth such a sexually-charged performance which contributes to a separation in gender equality.  What do you think?  Was Beyonce and Jay Z's performance over-the-top?  Is Jay Z a bad husband for allowing Beyonce to express her sexual freedom regarding her interest in pleasing him?  Or is Ms. Riley picking at the loving married couple a bit too much?



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