Newest NERF blaster has baked in camera for capturing your foam firefights

Honestly, who cares about CES? It's always the same parade of TVs and in-dash infotainment systems that only a very small portion of the population is going to buy. The good stuff -- thereally good stuff -- is at Toy Fair. Every year, Hasbro brings its A-game to the convention, and 2014 is no different. The event itself is still a few weeks away, but the company's reps were kind enough to swing by Fort Engadget ahead of time with a prototype of their big-ticket item for the year, the (deep breath) N-Strike Elite NERF Cam ECS-12 Blaster (phew...). While we can't say we're enamored with the name, we are pretty stoked about the blaster itself. The concept is simple, so simple in fact we can't believe Hasbro hasn't thought of it before. The ECS-12 is your standard, semi-auto NERF blaster with a small camera mounted on the barrel and a tiny screen on the stock. The screen does allow you to line up your crosshairs on a target, even while taking cover, but more importantly it lets you capture your foam dart battles in a first-person view.



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