Nintendo reportedly planning mini-games and content for its biggest rival: the smartphone

Japanese newspaper Nikkei has a generally good record for getting the scoop on Nintendo, and this one could be pretty important. According to this report, Nintendo will announce plans to create "progressive" content for smartphones -- the very devices that many reckon is chipping away at the company's casual gaming audience. We won't be seeing a full-length iteration of a Zelda title, but it could include background stories (video content is mentioned), offer a tour of in-game worlds and (least interestingly) the very latest news on retail games headed to Nintendo's own hardware. Mini-games would introduce new characters and, as Nintendo has apparently told it to Nikkei, would be free to try, at least for a short period.

The report adds that Nintendo will hold off on paid-for games and in-app purchase, instead hoping that its smart device morsels would whet the appetite for full-version -- full-price -- console game purchases. CEO Satoru Iwata had already mentioned late last year that the company needed to "take advantage of [smartphones'] existence." Nintendo hasn't confirmed or denied the report yet: we reached out for comment earlier today. Nikkei says that Nintendo will announce these plans later this week, when Iwata-san discusses the game maker's Q3 financial results. (Spoilers: there's going to be some bad news.)



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