Kevin Hart to Ex-Wife: Move On & Stop Badmouthing My Girlfriend

While most assumed Kevin Hart and ex-wife Torrei were on decent terms with one another, it seems their divorce just went from amicable to messy.

Torrei Hart sat down with Rocsi Diaz of Entertainment Tonight and vented her frustrations over their marriage ending, while putting Kevin's current girlfriend Eniko Parrish on full blast for stealing him away. While most thought Eniko showed up after the couple were already separated, Torrei claims Eniko & Kevin had an extended affair while he was still married.

"I never lashed out, I never tried to punch her in the face, even though i've had moments where, trust and believe, I wanted to K.O. her ass...It does hurt that my kids have to be around a woman who broke up a marriage. You have your kids saying 'mommy, what happened?' I was with him when he was selling sneakers, $5 an hour. I was at every show. I was at his first show where he did stand up...I was his muse, I was there from the beginning."

Kevin Hart got wind of the interview and took to Twitter to share his feelings about the situation, calling his ex-wife's comments "sad" and essentially encouraging her to move on while defending girlfriend Parrish.

Source: GossipCop


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