Darren Wilson Reportedly Receives $500k From Supporters

Darren Wilson won't be leaving Ferguson with empty pockets as reports claim the former officer received huge cash donations from online fundraisers during the height of the Ferguson protests in September.

According to Rolling Out, a GoFundMe page and another online group, Shield of Hope helped raise a combined total of $500,000, double of what supporters gave Michael Brown's family to cover their funeral costs. One of the fundraisers, Shield of Hope was shut down over backlash from supporters of Michael Brown. The other group was created by the people behind the "Support Darren Wilson" page on Facebook. They've denied shutting the page down and claimed they continue to raise money for the officer. They also showed their support to the officer when the grand jury announced Wilson wouldn't be charged for Brown's death.

Their message reads:

"Some people think our page just began yesterday. Just to clarify, we've been here since Day 1. We did hold rallies. We did have a GoFundMe page. We did speak out to the media. And we're not stopping. Last night Officer Darren Wilson overcame a large hurdle. With the biased media and elected officials placing blame from the very beginning we knew it was going to be an uphill battle. He overcame it. How? By telling the truth. We're not going anywhere. His journey is not over and neither are we."

The page has over 100,000 likes with photos and videos of supports wearing Darren Wilson inspired t-shirts and wristbands. Rumors also speculated that ABC paid Wilson six figures for their interview with the former officer. ABC has denied paying for the interview.

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles announced that besides the pay Wilson was given while on administrative leave, he will not get a severance package since he resigned. 

Source: Rolling Out, Facebook 


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