Jay Z & Beyonce Facing Hefty Lawsuit Over "Drunk In Love"

One of Beyonce's most successful singles off of her self-titled album, "Drunk in Love," has put her, Jay Z, and producer Timbaland in the middle of a lawsuit from Hungarian singer Monika Miczura, aka Mitsou.

According to Mitsou, the trio took her 1995 Roma folk song, "Bajba, Bajba Pelem," and used it during various parts of the platinum-selling track.  Mitsou explained that her song is about hopelessness, and Beyonce managed to "evoke foreign eroticism alongside the sexually intense lyrics."  

She alleges that neither Bey, Jay, nor Timbo contacted her and obtained permission to use her vocals on the song, which have been modified with the use of Auto-Tune and various editing.  Mitsou hopes to get any version of the song with her vocals banned from being played ever again, and is also seeking unspecified compensation for the illegal use of her work on Beyonce's song.  Given the fact that "Drunk in Love" was such a huge financial success, you can rest assured that Mitsou will be asking for a large sum of money.

Source: TMZ


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