South Carolina Cop Fired For Flaunting Rebel Flag Boxers Online

With moves to remove the Confederate Flag from retail stores and state landmarks,the North Charleston, South Carolina police force have fired an officer for posing in rebel flag underwear on Facebook.
According to The Post & Courier, Shannon Dildine, a veteran of the force was given the pink slip for violating the county's laws. Police Chief Eddie Driggers handed him the letter on Wednesday stating the officer made him incapable of being a North Charleston officer. Driggers also called the arrest a prerequisite to avoid legal trouble. In the event Dildine were to arrest a minority, the photo would be more than likely used to show the cop's potential bias.
Earlier this week, Gov. Nikki Haley called for the Confederate flag to be removed from the state house after Charleston gunman Dylann Roof was seen posing with it before he killed nine people in the Mother Emanuel Church.
Dildine has ten days to appeal the firing.
Check out a portion of the officer's termination letter below:
"On Tuesday ... the City learned that you posted on Facebook a photograph in which you were wearing only a pair of boxer shorts emblazoned with the image of the Confederate flag," Driggers wrote. "Your posting in this manner led to you being publicly identified as a North Charleston Police officer and associated both you and the Department with an image that symbolizes hate and oppression to a significant portion of the citizens we are sworn to serve."

Source: The Post & Courier | Photo Credit: Facebook 
