Sprint throws a jab at T-Mo, AT&T and Verizon: no small print makes David Beckham choose Now Network

David Beckham is an icon in the soccer world, but his popularity transcends beyond just sports, as he's also a fashion icon. Now, he's looking for a phone and a plan, and he wants it simple, with no caveats.

Sprint is proud with its simple terms of contract


And after all, Sprint is still the only carrier to offer true unlimited data.

New chief executive at Sprint Marcelo Claure is also puttin a lot of effort into improving the network, and we're curious to see whether the billion-dollar cash infusion by Japanese Softbank owner Masayoshi Son will finally put the Now Network on par with the rest. Simplicity, though? Sprint seems to really have it in contrast with all the little script you have to deal with on most other carriers.
That's the story of the latest ad by Sprint called 'All-in Wireless', where the carrier shows just how much simpler its offer is when compared to the counter-offers by T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon Wireless.
