AT&T has the FCC's permission to buy DirecTV

Just a couple of days after the DoJ said the deal could go through and FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler recommend its approval, the FCC voted to make the$49 billion AT&T / DirecTV combo official -- with a few conditions. As we'd heard, the approval comes with strings (in place for four years) including a requirement AT&T expand its fiber network, hook up gigabit internet to eligible schools and libraries and provide affordable standalone internet for low-income customers in its service areas. Another requirement is aimed at AT&T's data usage caps, saying it can't use them to discriminate against other video services. The other net neutrality requirement says AT&T will have to disclose any interconnect agreements -- the ones Netflix is so concerned about -- to the FCC so it can monitor the terms. Are those requirements enough to make the deal worth it? Consumer advocate like the Free Press say no, but with the FCC's blessing the deal should be done soon.



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