Bill Cosby Afraid to Travel, Fears Being Poisoned and Spied

Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial begins on June 5th in Pittsburgh. During his pre-trial hearings and jury selection, the comedian seemed paranoid to stay anywhere else but his home. According to Page Six, Cosby got up at 2:30 every morning, opting to fly his private jet from the courthouse to his Philadelphia home because he thought he would be threatened if he stayed in a hotel.

A source reportedly close to the family told the New York Post, "He and his wife are afraid that if he stayed at a hotel, someone will find a way to poison him, put something in his food." Another source told Page Six that Cosby's blindess makes him more susceptible to being poisoned or having someone sneak into his room.
It doesn't stop there. Cosby also allegedly is afraid of being bugged and spied on if he stayed in a hotel. He also wouldn't drink from courthouse water fountains, instead bringing bottled water and meals along with him.



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