NBA Legend Bill Russell Rushed to Hospital Over "Shortness Of Breath

On Friday night, authorities say an ambulance was called Bill Russell's Seattle area home because he was having heart trouble. He was then taken to a hospital nearby.
TMZ reported the 84-year-old Celtics legend was experiencing heart trouble and shortness of breath. At first, one of Russell's representatives told TMZ he was kept overnight for observation because he had been dehydrated.

Shortly after, Russell got on Twitter, saying he was only there to treat the dehydration, while not mentioning any possible heart issue. "Thank you everyone for the kind thoughts. Yes, I was taken to the hospital last night & as my wife likes to remind me I don't drink enough. On my way home & as my friends know I don't have a heart to give me trouble," he joked.
This isn't the first time in recent years Russell had to be admitted. In 2014, he said he felt faint then collapsed while speaking in Lake Tahoe.
Russell is an 11-time NBA champ with the Celtics and a 5-time MVP. In 1966, he made history as the first black coach in the league while still playing center for the team. The Celts retired his jersey in 1999.



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