Kodak Black's Producer Goes Off On Latto, Says "You Were On Your Diva S**t"

In the claims from Dyryk, he seemingly reveals Kodak Black is who Latto was referencing and said “Let me fill you in on what this bulls**t with @latto777 is all about. She asked for a feature a while back. We charged her our normal rate, and she wanted a swap. Since her verse won't really do anything for us, we asked for a swap for our female artist and charged her substantially less. She declined and said she was going to not use the record.”

The producer continued saying Latto circled back about their first offer, without their artist. “Talk about empowering fellow female rappers. Now she's on some bullsh*t that she was made uncomfortable And holding up your album? I know you're not talking about us. You were on your diva sh*t when no one is getting in the car playing your records,” said Dyryk. The producer then said Latto was attempting to “assassinate my brother’s character,” which led him to say Latto won’t say a name because “she’s full of s**t.” Take a look above. 


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