Brooklyn Nets General Manager Says They Never Considered Releasing Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving recently apologized for his anti-semitic social media posts last week. The NBA star said, “To All Jewish families and Communities that are hurt and affected from my post, I am deeply sorry to have caused you pain, and I apologize. I initially reacted out of emotion to being unjustly labeled Anti-Semitic, instead of focusing on the healing process of my Jewish Brothers and Sisters that were hurt from the hateful remarks made in the Documentary.” Now, news surfaced noting that the Nets had no plans of letting go of Irving, despite rumors of the player possibly participating in his last game with the team. 

Reporter Nick Friedell took to Twitter and said, “Sean Marks says Kyrie’s apology last night was a good first step, but the organization wants him to take some more steps — including meeting with Jewish leaders — before playing for the Nets again.” Friedell continued, “Marks said the organization never considered releasing Kyrie.


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